The first to dream this year was Teju Kareem @zmirrage in Lagos Nigeria, Kareem wanted to celebrate the 80th birthday of Wole Soyinka poet laureate & recipient of the Nobel prize for Literature.
Not one to do things by halves Kareem dug out a 1000 seat amphitheatre in the bush behind Soyinka’s home in which to produce the play dance of the Forrest with a cast of some 500.

Kareem dared to ask me to fly out some projectors & a catalyst sytem with which to map the set pieces & a 40ft led screen sited up a mountainside.
This was undertaken here’s a few pics in the post,

not many survive since during the production I was heavily sedated having contracted malaria, this is a phone snap of the mapping during line up , about all there is, the image spread over the rocks & that huge screen on the hill.

none the less I would not have missed the chance for the world & I look forward to the next time Teju Kareem calls me up with a new adventure.